Important Roles

Important Roles

At Blue Chip Estate Planning, We Help You Select the People in Your Life to Fill These Important Roles:

Who is Going to be the Financial Boss of Your Estate?

We refer to the person(s) named agent under your Durable Power of Attorney for financial matters, the successor trustee of your living trust, and personal representative of your probate estate, if applicable, as the “financial boss” of your estate. It is typical to choose the same person for these roles, although the responsibilities may vary slightly. The financial boss will also likely need the help of investment advisors, attorneys, and tax professionals.

Who is Going to be the Financial Boss of Your Estate?

Choosing Your Health Care Power of Attorney

Your Health Care Power of Attorney is the person you trust to communicate with medical professionals and, if you are not capable, to make medical decisions on your behalf. This person will typically be named in a document titled “Designation of Patient Advocate” or “Health Care Power of Attorney.”
Choosing Your Health Care Power of Attorney

Choosing Your Health Care Power of Attorney

Choosing a Guardian for Your Children

Choosing a Guardian for Your Children
The main reason younger couples lack an estate plan is often because they are uncertain about who should be the guardians of their children. Choosing the right guardian is tough, and it’s important to confirm their willingness to take on this responsibility. Family dynamics can change, so this decision should be reviewed regularly. It’s also wise to separate the roles of guardian and financial decision-maker, ensuring the financial person understands.

Learn more about choosing your Financial Boss, Health Care Power of Attorney, and Guardian:

Do you Know About the New Michigan Powers of Attorney Act?

In November 2023, Governor Whitmer signed the Uniform Power of Attorney Act (UPOAA). The UPOAA became effective on July 1, 2024, and modifies the Michigan statutes with regard to Durable Powers of Attorney. One of the most important changes is that your Durable Power of Attorney must be signed in the presence of a notary public in order for the document to be considered “durable” and qualify as a “genuine” document.
Do you Know About the New Michigan Powers of Attorney Act?

Do you Know About the New Michigan Powers of Attorney Act?

Read more about these important changes.

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About Us

Blue Chip Estate Planning, PLLC is part of the Blue Chip Partners’ family of companies offering you the option of a one-stop solution for your estate planning, financial planning, and investment needs. Our goal is to be your all-in-one solution.

Blue Chip Partners, LLC is a wealth management firm that provides highly personalized financial planning and portfolio management services to over 800 clients. Blue Chip Partners has 31 employees and over $1.5 billion in assets under management as of December 31st, 2024.